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Arch & Manjaro


Install general updates via
sudo paccache -vrk2 && sudo paccache -vruk0 && sudo pacman-mirrors --geoip && yay -Pw && yay --pacman powerpill --answerclean None --answerdiff All --timeupdate --batchinstall --needed --devel -Syyu && sudo pacman -Rsn $(sudo pacman -Qqtd) ; sudo paccache -vrk2 && sudo paccache -vruk0 && sudo pacdiff

Rebuild after a python update
yay --devel --rebuildall --answerclean All -S $(yay -Qqo /usr/lib/python${VER})
where ${VER} is the old python version, i.e. VER=3.9 after the update from python3.9 to python3.10

Dual boot setup

Manjaro forum↗

Set the clock

Graphics driver

Via the gui tool, and:


Via the gui tool, and:

General setup

Install Android packages

yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu base-devel multilib-devel gcc repo git gnupg gperf sdl wxgtk2 squashfs-tools curl ncurses zlib schedtool perl-switch zip unzip libxslt bc rsync ccache lib32-zlib lib32-ncurses lib32-readline ncurses5-compat-libs lib32-ncurses5-compat-libs libxcrypt-compat
yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu lib32-gcc-libs git gnupg flex bison gperf sdl wxgtk2 squashfs-tools curl ncurses zlib schedtool perl-switch zip unzip libxslt python2-virtualenv bc rsync ncurses5-compat-libs lib32-zlib lib32-ncurses lib32-readline lib32-ncurses5-compat-libs
yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu xml2 lzop pngcrush imagemagick
yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu aosp-devel lineageos-devel jdk8-openjdk multilib-devel python2-bin

Install Dropbox

yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu dropbox dropbox-cli

Install editors and office software

yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu jabref libreoffice-still mendeleydesktop-bundled mendeley-reference-manager nano vim vim-spell-de vim-spell-en

Install internet programs

yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu chromium discord firefox google-chrome jdownloader2 python-eduvpn-client signal-desktop skypeforlinux-stable-bin teamspeak3 thunderbird zoom

Install TeXlive

yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu perl-tk texlive-installer texstudio
run sudo /opt/texlive-installer/install-tl -gui -repository /path/to/local_sync and follow texlive

In order to update remove the old version via sudo tlmgr -gui and then install the new version - make sure the local sync is up to date first!

Install multimedia programs

yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu handbrake mkvtoolnix-gui rhythmbox soundconverter tsmuxer-git vlc

Install miscellaneous programs

yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu atop bind bitwarden bleachbit docker docker-compose fwupd gnome-firmware gnome-logs gnu-netcat guake htop iftop iotop mkinitcpio mkinitcpio-firmware ncdu nmap nvtop rpi-imager synapse warpinator ytop-bin

Install programming related programs

yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu gcc-fortran gdb git git-lfs gobject-introspection kdiff3 mpdecimal openmp openmpi python-dbg python-pip r rstudio-desktop-bin vscodium-bin
follow python and git, and link the ~/.config/VSCodium/product.json and ~/.config/VSCodium/User/settings.json to the respective DotFile↗ versions.
Additionally, in order to install open-remote-ssh, download↗ the latest release, and install it manually and also run Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments within vscodium in order to edit ~/.vscode-oss/argv.json and add "enable-proposed-api": ["jeanp413.open-remote-ssh",],.

Install gaming related programs

yay --pacman powerpill --needed --devel -Syu lutris steam

Add ssh-keys automatically

Install autofs